Movie Makers to meet Jan. 20

Champaign Movie Makers meets at least once a month to afford area filmmakers and talent an opportunity to discuss and join forces on the making of independent cinema in the area. CMM gladly makes its meeting notes available to the general public so the community can learn about what we do. If you are interested in being more “in the loop” if not directly involved with CMM-related productions, please visit and join our Yahoo! Group.

The next meeting will take place tonight, Tuesday, January 20, 6:30 p.m., in Room 215 of the Champaign Public Library, 200 W. Green St., Champaign, ILKate Gorman of Urbana Public Television will discuss the new Open Source Project and how it will enable community members to easily submit material to the station.

~ Jason Pankoke


Champaign Movie Makers
December 16, 2008


We’ll return with full meeting notes next month. Thanks!

~ Jason Pankoke


Johnny Robinson
johnny [at] johnnyrobinson [dot] com



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