WEREWOLF Iss. 1 afoot Sept. 14

Friends and countrymen, it looks like it’ll be another one of those Brainsmart weekends here in Champaign-Urbana. Not only are Jason Butler, Mark Peaslee, Bob Henne, and the rest of the Brainsmart Productions crazies waist deep in a shooting frenzy as they attempt to wrap the final issue of WEREWOLF CEMETERY by the end of September, but they’ve arranged a late-night show (with alcohol in close proximity) to refresh us hometown folks on how it all began.

After the regulars at Mike n’ Molly’s, 105 N. Market St., Champaign, pay their respects to the late “Sleepy” John Burton during an Irish music session, the Brainsmart contingent will arrive and light up the beer garden beginning Sunday, September 14, at 10 p.m. First up will be a video of this past summer’s Mustache Contest XI, a townie variety show and fund raiser, to be followed by WEREWOLF CEMETERY: Issue 1 at 12 a.m. and THE ADVENTURES OF THE SCREAMING APE: Episode 1 at 1 a.m. Admission will be $3, with probably every last cent going towards WC 4.

Brainsmart would also love to add extra warm bodies into the WC 4 mix, especially if they can be dressed up as lycanthropes or agents of ExtermoCorp, the guns-for-hire who throw a monkey wrench into the war between the werewolves and the gravesmiths of Ditchtown. Contact JB pronto at (971) 645-9098 or brainsmartproductions [at] yahoo [dot] com if you want in.

As incentive, C-U Blogfidential gives you an exclusive sneak peek below of the toothier monster design by Mr. Peaslee that will debut in the finale. We’d like to make it clear that Miller High Life does not figure into the final outcome as it is merely an on-set perk for cast and crew. Duct tape, on the other hand…

~ Jason Pankoke

A hyena-ish werewolf noggin sits amongst aluminum on the set of WEREWOLF CEMETERY: Issue 4. (Photo by JaPan)

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