Slow down, CUBlog too fast…

Has everyone recovered from last month’s cultural onslaught? We’re still cleaning up the rubble here at the Secret MICRO-FILM Headquarters, generated as we prepared for the New Art Film Festival, a Time Traveling Cinema, and the still-in-progress C-U Confidential issue 6, on top of which we desperately need to catch our cinematic breath and take care of some overdue life maintenance. This requires us to limit our C-U Blogfidential efforts during the summer.

Still, look for our event Calendar to appear every Friday, around which we’ll introduce random editions of “C-U Biz-en-scène” to summarize developments, run new “Double Life of a Cineaste” columns by Tyler Tharpe, continue our interview series with Mike Trippiedi, post an essay by Bill Kephart about movie acting in the C-U, announce distribution and fun-time plans for CUZine #6, remind you of upcoming TTC madness, and … that’s about it. Maybe we’ll throw in a surprise or two. Maybe guest writers will throw a surprise or two at us. Imagine!

Thanks for sticking by CUBlog, dearest readers, and never forget that we’re the ones who want to be with you. And, you and you and you!

~ Jason Pankoke

2 Responses to Slow down, CUBlog too fast…

  1. Wes Melton :

    I didn’t get the chance to thank you personally for the premiere of “Finding Virginia” at the New Art Film Festival. It gave the cast and the director a chance to reunite and witness the film together for its initial viewing. Keep up the good work!
    Thank you,

  2. Administrator :

    Thanks, Wes, we appreciate your kind words and we were happy to host the premiere at the Art Theater. Hopefully, the NAFF and C-U Confidential can continue to facilitate memorable gatherings in the years to come!