IOW: Groove to a 1970s ‘bot beat!

Pimpbots breaking in their boogie shoes, because Friday! You’re welcome:

Since that pretty much spoke for itself, we probably should deliver a witticism or two to justify the inclusion of Bruce and Stumpy in today’s “Images of the Week” entry besides their sheer lo-fi awesomeness…

As of yesterday, Thursday, March 20, the kooky creatives behind Kill Vampire Lincoln Productions of Champaign have finally completed the on-line release of their “transistorpunk” opus, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 1970s, as a seven-part Web series plus bonus larks such as the above. Anne and Chris Lukeman of Kill Vampire Lincoln have expressed interest in continuing the adventures of Spring Heeled Jack (Jonathan Harden), Susan (Maggie Gottlieb), Sam (Thomas Nicol), and Janet (Stephanie Swearingen) but no word yet on who else would return, including the Man on Roof (Peter Davis) hiding atop The Disco Pit or ill-fated Bud (Matt Fear) who transformed from restaurant manager to robo-lobotomized henchman. We’d gather anything cybernetic and Seventies-appropriate would be fair game to reemerge and pester our heroes unless the next timeline traverses the Eighties and all that concept implies. Be sure to visit their YouTube channel to watch the full episodes or this Web site for further details.

We’d like to point out the major music cuts featured in ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE 1970s are original pieces composed by local musicians. Those of you who’ve already played the robot video probably realized after about the first two seconds their “King Kong” song is not your parents’ “King Kong Song” as performed by ABBA in the real-life Seventies. Michael “Guido” Esteves and Andy Moreillon wrote the tune, with the latter providing vocals and backed by Estevez, James Jones, Joe Funderburk, and Rory Grennan. On the other hand, we also share the series trailer featuring an exciting instrumental theme by composer Eric Watkins of Decatur.

~ Jason Pankoke

p.s. Don’t let the early IOW fool you. We have two more stories regarding Saturday film culture in Champaign-Urbana before we’re wrapped for the week!

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