Calendar: February 7-13, 2025
Friday, February 7th, 2025Select movie listings for February 7-13, 2025 in Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! Don’t forget to peruse this week’s Field Report! And, did you take a peek at the Images of the week?
Select movie listings for February 7-13, 2025 in Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! Don’t forget to peruse this week’s Field Report! And, did you take a peek at the Images of the week?
Select movie listings for January 17-23, 2025 in Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! Don’t forget to peruse this week’s Field Report! And, did you take a peek at the Images of the week?
Select movie listings for January 10-16, 2025 in Champaign, Urbana, and the cities beyond! Don’t forget to peruse this week’s Field Report! And, did you take a peek at the Images of the week?
A month late yet in perfect timing with the Champaign County Fair, which opens today, we look at the newest in-house WILL-TV documentary directed by Sarah Edwards, COUNTY FAIR.
Chase & Shep welcomed C-U Blogfidential publisher Jason Pankoke to their October horror film podcast series. Was three times the charm for the former podcast co-host? Read before you listen!
We see that many indie and not-indie film festivals are exploring online streaming. The New Art Film Festival isn’t primed to do that right now but they still have such sights to show you on YouTube!
It has been a long while since a feature-length project has emerged from the WILL-TV studios in Urbana, so we welcome ILLINOIS COUNTRY with open arms. It airs tonight, March 6, 2020, at 7:30 p.m.
The ninth annual New Art Film Festival has been scheduled for October 30, 2018, at the Art Theater in downtown Champaign, Illinois. Submission window for the NAFF is open from now until August 31!
Last fall, the New Art Film Festival tried to introduce you to central Illinois’ first major contributor to film history. Only a handful attended. Remedy your situation by watching our first-ever video release on the same.
At long last, we have made constructive use of YouTube and recreated past editions of the New Art Film Festival of Champaign. Discover your new favorite local movies! Share your personal picks with others!
From the “Images of the Week” Dept.: WILL-TV and 40 North 88 West have launched a new video series about local artists, ART: BEHIND THE SCENES. Media mavens represent!
From the “Images of the Week” Dept.: No need anymore to rely solely on iPods and ear buds to hear the best of local indie rock and rap, kids! The new UI-7 show CU HEADPHONES has you covered with Elsinore and everyone else.
For deep thought on class issues and contemporary film, visit the UIUC Graduate School of Library and Information Science in Champaign later tonight, Monday, February 24, 2014, for an appearance by socialist movie critic and “The Sky Between the Leaves” author David Walsh.
In this edition of C-U Blogfidential’s all-purpose column, “C-U Biz-en-scène,” we earn a new Missouri fan, learn of a Mark Johns plot to impress Roger Ebert, yearn for cool friends doing cool things, and churn the waters to scoop out the movies now playing/renting near you!
In this edition of C-U Blogfidential’s all-purpose column, “C-U Biz-en-scène,” we encourage you to go (live) theatrical and see “Stop Kiss,” provide you a handful of interesting links, and reiterate the movies now playing/renting near you!